Friday, February 16, 2007

Tropicalia- A Brazilian Revolution In Sound

After starting some work experience at a Brazilian Record Label, I have been very keen to listen to some classic Brazilian music, this album has been critically acclaimed but I was not prepared for how brilliant this music actually is. The album centres around six artists few of which I was familiar with before, I am a huge fan of Os Mutantes but the rest of them I was relatively new to.
The album attempts to pick up the politics and musical style of the Tropicalia movement and succeeds, its incredibly hard to pin point a genre to the music, funk bass, tropical rhythms and Santana like guitar.
There are elements of more familiar artists in the music like the Beatles and The Velvet Underground in these songs which makes it easier to listen to but they originality of the music shines through, this is a fantastic compilation and I would recommend it to anyone.

Buy it here

MP3: Gilberto Gil & Los Mutantes- Domingo No Parque

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