Thursday, May 10, 2007

Trans Am, Sex Change

I apologise for the sparseness of recent posts on Waxfruit, my recent listening has mostly covered the bands who are playing at ATP next weekend. I cant think of any festival in the world which has a better premise or line up than ATP versus the Fans, I cant wait.

I think to be totally honest any posts that I will make before next Friday will almost certainly be about ATP bands.

The first album that I will look at in this mini ATP build up is the new Trans Am long player Sex Change....

I know this album has got some mixed reviews which did deter me at first from giving t a listen but now I regret not listening to this album months ago, I have a feeling that Trans Am will pan out to be one of my bands of the festival as they much such diverse yet fun to listen to.

I think the fact that Trans Am's music doesn't tend to stay in one place puts off some people, their music covers a lot of bases in a short space of time but that's why I like this album so much. It might sound a bit strange but it almost sounds like the best 80's cop movie soundtrack ever, Jan Hammer and Sonic Youth mixed together, dear god! You know its going to rock like a mother live!

There is something for everyone on this album the albums first couple of songs really encapsulates a electro/kraftwerk sound where later tracks like Shining Path and Triangular Pyramid really rock it up several notches.

If you are a fan of serious post rock or electronic music then its probably best that you stay away from this album as you dont really get the best of either. If you like music with a sense of humour and perhaps a more digestible version of Mirrored by Battles then certainly look Trans Am up.

Its best to put a couple of tracks up on here to really pick up what im saying about how different some of these tracks are, first up is video to 'Consipracy of the gods' worth checking out because its an amazing music video.

You dont get stuff like that on E4 music I tell you what.

MP3: North East Rising Sun

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