Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Memomena Friend and Foe

Dubbed by Pitchfork as "the first great indie rock record of 2007" Memomena certanly have a lot to live up to considering the great releases already this year from groups like the Shins and Field Music, but I have to agree this album is something special. This album is so multi-layered, if you have a decent pair of headphones just lie down, close your eyes and listen to this album. The albums opener Muscle N' Flo is a prime example from the opening crashing drums to the a sweet electronic ending, this album takes you somewhere else, and boy is it special. It takes several listens to take in how great this album is. I wouldnt be surprised if this record is both the first and the overall great album of the year, but then Mikas album isnt out yet.

MP3: Wet and Rusting

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